Tuesday, March 30, 2010

15 PhD Fellowships in 9 European countries within the Marie Curie Initial Training Network ‘Education as Welfare’

Application Deadline 15/04/2010

Fifteen ESRs will be recruited across the Network. Each will be expected to complete a doctorate on one of the three working groups’ topics. Early Stage Researchers should be in the first 4 years of their career (experience is counted at date of appointment) and have not yet obtained a PhD. The ESR must not have resided or carried out their main activity in the host country for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to their recruitment.

The network programme is taught in English and is open to students from all countries with a Master’s degree in social sciences. Applicants must comply with the Marie Curie Actions rules for eligibility and mobility. Alongside their individual research projects, the ESRs will also design and conduct a comparative Education-as-Welfare survey that will serve as one aspect of their common methodological training and research in the ITN. Each ESR will benefit from a three year contract research appointment, a personal mobility allowance, funding for travel, international collaborations, secondments within the Working Group to other partners, and network wide training organized by the ITN network, including mentoring and supervision by a thesis committee within the European wide interdisciplinary network of academic and non-academic partners; regular seminars and project work at the host university; network wide training events; training for complementary skills; and career planning

Further information

Job starting date 01/07/2010

The selection of the ESRs will be done in line with the European Charter of Researchers and Equal opportunities policy.

How to apply?

Please send via E-Mail:

→ a C.V. giving information about your studies or professional career

→ 2 letters of recommendation from university teachers (who are not members of our project group)

→ a motivation letter

→ a summary (1000 words) of the bachelor or master thesis

→ an essay (8-10 pages) why you have chosen this special topic. The essay should also combine theoretical knowledge (e.g. Capability Approach and others) with some methodical remarks about the empirical instruments for the research.

To: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans Uwe Otto via E-Mail ( euprojects_otto@uni-bielefeld.de This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )

Source: http://www.eduwel-eu.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=48&Itemid=60

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Manchester University Equity and Merit Scholarships for Bangladeshi Students

The deadline is 25 March 2010.


The University had 33 Bangladeshi students enrolled on courses in 2008-09; 20 undergraduates and 13 postgraduates. Subject areas included business and management, engineering, life sciences and development related.

Scholarship information

The University of Manchester Equity and Merit Scholarships 2010/2011

The University of Manchester is pleased to invite applications for a total of four scholarships for postgraduate taught masters programmes starting in September 2010. The scholarships are intended to support students from Bangladesh, who would not otherwise be able to study in the UK.

The selection process is managed on behalf of the University by the British Council in Dhaka. The scholarships cover full tuition fees, return international airfares and living expenses.

Awards are available in a range of subjects, including science and engineering, textiles, medical and life sciences, education and urban planning.

You will need a PDF reader such as Adobe Acrobat (downloadable from Adobe) to view PDF files. PDF files open in a new window.

Who is eligible to apply?

The scholarships are aimed at applicants from disadvantaged backgrounds. Applicants should:

  • Be a resident citizen of Bangladesh and have not previously studied or worked abroad;
  • Be aged below 35 years at the time of application;
  • Have a masters degree from a public university with a minimum overall score of 70% for science and engineering subjects and 55% for arts and social sciences (candidates who have studied for either an undergraduate of postgraduate degree at a private university are not eligible to apply);
  • Have an overall IELTS score of 6.5;
  • Be committed to returning home, and able to demonstrate the potential to make a positive impact on the future of Bangladesh;
  • Have a clear idea how studying in the UK would benefit both his/her career and Bangladesh in general.

How to apply

You will need a PDF reader such as Adobe Acrobat (downloadable from Adobe ) to view PDF files. PDF files open in a new window.

Application forms can also be obtained from:

The British Council
5 Fuller Road
Dhaka 1000
Email: education@bd.britishcouncil.org

You must indicate clearly on the form which course(s) you would like to study. You may apply for up to three different courses.

Applications should be sent by post or email to:

The British Council
(University of Manchester Equity and Merit Scholarships)
5 Fuller Road
Dhaka 1000
Email: enquiries@bd.britishcouncil.org

The deadline is 25 March 2010. Applications received after this date will not be processed.

Doctoral Scholarship in ICT at University of Trento, Italy

Deadline: April 20, 2010 - 12.00pm (Rome Time)

Admission requirements

For admission requirements, please check the calls in the "Downloads" area on the right.
Applications must be filled using the online application (when it's open).
Recognition of Academic Titles
In order to apply for this call your academic titles DO NOT need to have been officially recognised by Italian authorities. Official recognition is not provided by the University, it is a governmental procedure which needs to be undertaken by the person concerned.
If you have already had your titles recognised in the past as equivalent to an Italian Degree, you should state it in your application, indicating the Italian Rector's Decree recognising equivalence number (given by Italian authorities).

Candidates who have a foreign degree that has not been officially recognised as equivalent to the Italian degree must upload as attachment 2 (in the application Call form) an English translation, signed by the candidate, to enable the Doctoral School Committee to evaluate a possible equivalence.

PLEASE NOTE that in case you are accepted to the School you will be asked to provide (no later than the 10.11.2010) a Dicihiarazione di Valore issued by the Italian Embassy based in the country where the University that delivered your titles is from.

ICT Areas
Computer Science
Bioinformatics » details
Data and Knowledge Management » details
Distributed Systems » details
Embedded Electronics and Computing Systems » details
Intelligent Information Processing » details
Language, Speech and Interfaces » details
Machine learning and Intelligent optimization » details
Networking » details
Software Engineering and Formal Methods » details
See here for information about project-specific grants.

Intelligent Information Processing » details
Language, Speech and Interfaces » details
Multimedial Signal Processing and Understanding » details
Networking » details
Remote Sensing and Systems for Environmental Monitoring » details
Wireless Communication » details
See here for information about project-specific grants.

Embedded Electronics and Computing Systems » details
Nano- and Micro- Systems » details
See here for information about project-specific grants.

Source: http://ict.unitn.it/application

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Full-time PhD studentships in Next Generation Technologies at The Open University, UK

Closing date : 31/03/2010

2 Full-time PhD studentships in Next Generation Technologies, Faculty of Maths, Computing and Technology
Three-year PhD studentships, Based in Milton Keynes
circulation date : 11/03/2010

The neXt Generation multimedia technology (XGMT) group at the Open University in collaboration with the Optical Information Systems group at the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) in Berlin are offering two jointly-funded, 3-year full-time PhD studentships commencing in October 2010. The general research topics will be in multi-sensor navigation for mobile robots and 3-D medical imaging. In particular: 1) the investigation of techniques for the fast derivation of high-quality depth information from optical sensors data and subsequent 3-D mapping to facilitate up-to-date spatial environment maps; and 2) the fusion of different medical image modalities i.e. CAT and MRI to accurately estimate the orientation of the human body by observation of surfaces without access to fixed orientation points. All applicants must either have or expect to gain a good Honours degree (at least a 2i standard or equivalent) in Information Communications Technology, Electronic/Electrical Engineering, Physics or a related area. Both PhD studentships will provide a stipend and cover all fees and are available to any suitably qualified UK, EU and International student.Closing date: 31 March 2010, although the studentships will remain open until filled.


This document provides details on the application process and staff benefits
Information for Applicants

email: l.s.dooley@open.ac.uk Professor Laurence S. Dooley
email: Anko.Boerner@dlr.de Dr. Anko BoernerAnko

For further information concerning these study opportunities please contact either Professor Laurence S. Dooley (Chair of ICT at the Open University) or Dr. Anko Boerner (Head of Department Information Processing of Optical Systems, DLR, Berlin) by email see (links above).

Please quote reference XGMTFurther particulars are available in large print, disk or audiotape (Minicom 01908 654901 01908 654901 ). We promote diversity in employment and welcome applications from all sections of the community.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

DAAD Fellowship in Conflict Studies and Management

Conflict Studies and Management Programme at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy in Erfurt - Research Fellowships and Scholarships for Doctoral and Master’s Students

The ‘Conflict Studies and Management Programme’ (CSMP) is a new programme implemented by the ‘Willy Brandt School of Public Policy’ in Erfurt (Brandt School) and the ‘German Academic Exchange Service’ (DAAD). It is addressed to Master’s students, doctoral students and senior researchers with an interest in conflict management in research and practise.

The Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at the University of Erfurt is one of the leading public policy schools in Germany. Since 2002 the School’s Master’s programme is committed to training talented students for management and leadership positions mainly in the public sector.
In 2010 the Brandt School launches a new research programme in conflict studies and conflict management focusing on (policy) issues relevant to regions of conflict. In winter semester 2010 fellows will start their research projects at the Brandt School and participate in developing the programme. Also in winter semester 2010 the first Master and doctoral students will enrol. The CSMP aims at preparing students who want to pursue a career in relevant organisations and seeks to produce applicable knowledge in the area of conflict studies.

This special programme is intended for highly-qualified foreign Master’s and doctoral students as well as senior scientists. The CSMP fellowships offer outstanding scientists and researchers the opportunity to conduct research with a focus on application at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy in Erfurt, Germany. The fellows will have a teaching commitment at the Brandt School of generally 2 hours per week. Furthermore, the CSMP scholarships offer excellent students the opportunity to obtain a Master’s degree or a doctorate within a specialised structured research and teaching programme.

CSMP Fellowships and scholarships are defined and awarded on a yearly basis. Each year, the fellowship announcement will indicate the specific qualification requirements and regional focus. The current offers are published under ‘CSMP Fellowships - Current Offers’ :

Fellowship and Scholarship Types and Duration
Type Target Group Goal Funding Duration
A Master Students Master’s Degree in Germany 24 months (+6)
B Doctoral Students Doctorate in Germany 36 months (+6)
C Senior Scientists Research in Germany 6 to 24 months

Fellowships (Type C) are awarded for the length of the research stay in Germany agreed between Willy Brandt School as the host, DAAD as the fund-giver and the fellowship candidate.
Scholarships (Type A+B) are awarded for the normal duration of Master’s and PhD studies with an additional German language course of generally 6 months before the begin of studies.
All fellowships (A+B+C) will initially be awarded for a maximum of 12 months and can be extended upon application.

Fellowship and Scholarship Value
Type Monthly

Type A 750 EUR +

Type B 1.000 EUR

Type C 1.840 or 1.990 EUR, in exceptions 2.240 EUR

For all: flat-rate travel allowance, health insurance, family allowances

Application Requirements
At the time of their application, applicants for CSMP Fellowships or scholarships must
be able to prove their outstanding study or research achievements,

Type A: have completed their studies with a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent

Type B: have completed their studies or research with a Master’s degree or equivalent

Type C: hold a doctorate/Ph.D., have proven research experience of at least 2 years in a relevant field and institution and be currently working in institutions of higher education or at a research institute; positions are open to outstandingly-qualified academics and scientists.
have an excellent knowledge of English; please provide evidence of this through the submission of appropriate language certificates (e.g. TOEFL: 550/213/80); knowledge of German is advantageous, but not required. in general have completed their Bachelor’s or Masters’ s degree in the last six years (Type A and B).
Applicants cannot be considered if they have been in Germany for more than one year at the time of application.

Application Papers
Applicants are expected to submit the complete ‘Application for Research Grants and Study Scholarships’ (Type A+B) (*.pdf) or Research Stays and Study Visits for University Academics and Scientists (Type C) (*.pdf). Accompanying documents are listed in the DAAD Application Forms (see below) and the "Current Offers”.

Applications are to be submitted to the DAAD application address in the home country (usually the DAAD representation or the German diplomatic representation). The DAAD cannot consider incomplete applications.

The application deadline is mentioned in ‘Current Offers’. The deadline for Master and PhD studies in 2010 was 6 November 2009. Applications for the research fellowships (Type C) can be submitted at any time, but they should be received at the DAAD application address in the home country at least 6 months before the agreed day of commencement. Fellowship applications for the winter term 2010 will be accepted until 1 April 2010.

Current offers

Current offers (*.pdf)

Application Forms for download
For Type A+ B (*.pdf)
For Type C (*.pdf)

Source: http://www.daad.de/deutschland/foerderung/ausschreibungen/11790.en.html

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarships

Deadline: 15th July, 2010

New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarships (NZIDRS) are open to all international students who meet the eligibility criteria.

NZIDRS scholarships include:

  • full tuition fees for three years of full-time doctoral study
  • NZ$20,500 per annum living allowance (NZ$1708.33 per month).
  • up to NZ$600 annual health insurance allowance
  • NZ$2000 (across 3 year tenure) travel allowance. This is intended to be used for conference attendance and field research
  • NZ$800 (across 3 year tenure) book and thesis allowance
  • NZ$500 one-off establishment allowance. Only to be paid to those students who are travelling to NZ specifically to take up the NZIDRS. No student already located in NZ is eligible to receive this amount.
  • Additional funds are not available to support accompanying dependants.

Evidence of available supervision
You need to show evidence that academic supervision is available when you apply for this scholarship. Applicants should contact the relevant university departments to confirm the availability of appropriate supervision before submitting their applications. Please see the terms and conditions for more information.

NZIDRS application close date
The NZIDRS closes to applications on the 15th of July each year. Applications will be accepted from early May until 5pm (NZ time) on Thursday the 15th of July 2010. Please note that NZIDRS applications received after the closing date and/or incomplete applications will not be considered by the selection panel under any circumstances. This is non-negotiable.

Find out more
If you have questions about the NZIDR scholarships, please contact the Education New Zealand Scholarships Manager - scholarships@educationnz.org.nz
NZIDRS terms and conditions (PDF)

NZIDRS application form (Word doc)

NZIDRS guidelines & frequently asked questions (PDF)

Source: http://www.newzealandeducated.com/int/en/institutions_courses/scholarships/incoming/international_doctoral_research_scholarships

15 PhD scholarships at Vienna PhD School of Informatics, Austria

Application deadline: 7th May 2010

The Vienna PhD School of Informatics is an international PhD School, funded by the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna), the City of Vienna and private sponsors. PhD students for this full-time programme are recruited world-wide, all courses are held in English.
The call for applications for the study year 2010/11 is now open.
The PhD School is located at TU Vienna and admits Austrian as well as international students annually. TU Vienna invites applications for a maximum of 15 PhD scholarships per year. The first study year of the PhD School started in October 2009. No tuition fees have to be paid by these holders of scholarships.
Call for applications 2010/11
The call for applications for the study year 2010/11 opens on February 1st 2010.

Interviews: 4th June - 14th June 2010
Notification of Acceptance: 16th June 2010

Start Programme: 11th October 2010

The Vienna PhD School of Informatics involves an intense period of supervised study and research, culminating in the submission of a thesis. The duration of the PhD School is three years. The degree is awarded to candidates who, through original investigation, make a distinct and significant contribution to knowledge in their field of specialisation.

The PhD-School’s curriculum covers the main research areas of the Faculty of Informatics. In addition, it may also imply cooperation with other TU Vienna faculties. The school is designed to facilitate the integration of industry, either by defining joint research issues, by offering workplaces (with well-defined research related tasks) during summer breaks, or by sponsoring.
TU Vienna aims at positioning this PhD School of Informatics at a high level of excellence within the international community. The vision is to increase both the quality and the quantity of excellent young researchers in the field of informatics.

Further Information
Download PhD school flyer: About the PhD School
Curriculum, Courses, exams and credits: PhD School Programme
Application and admission, International students, English language proficiency, Application form etc. : Admission & Prerequisites
Frequently asked questions: FAQ
Whom to contact in case of questions : Contact Information

For Detail: http://www.informatik.tuwien.ac.at/teaching/doctoral/phdschool/

Sunday, March 7, 2010

PhD scholarship in mathematics at NTNU, Norway

Closing date: March 31st 2010.

The grant is a part of the project: GeNuIn Applications. See also http://wiki.math.ntnu.no/genuin

The successful applicants will work on numerical algorithms for problems with an underlying geometric structure, like for instance differential equations whose solution evolves on a manifold or admits a symmetry. Geometric structure often corresponds to concrete physical features of the model. Applications of interest are problems in engineering of marine control structures. Emphasis is given to both development and analysis of new and improved schemes for such problems. The position will start the 1st of August 2010.

For more information regarding the position, please contact Associate Professor Elena Celledoni, email Elena.Celledoni@math.ntnu.no/ tel+47 73593541.

Applications are to be submitted electronically through www.jobbnorge.no
Preferably, we want the attachments in one file.
Applications should be marked IME 003-2010.

For more information, please see attachment.vedlegg: 2010 884 stip IMF.pdf
Source: http://innsida.ntnu.no/nettopp_lesmer.php?kategori=nyheter&dokid=4b544b5c906ba7.39256442

2 PhD Scholarship in Modelling of Petroleum Resurvoir at NTNU, Norway

Closing date: March 19, 2010.

The Department of Mathematical Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology has available up to two PhD Research Fellowship positions for a three year period. The positions are financed by the Research Council of Norway and a group of petroleum related companies.
For applicants speaking a Scandinavian language, there is a possibility for four years of employment with teaching obligations.

The candidates will study spatial mathematical and statistical models for inversion of well log observations, seismic data and production history. Mathematical modelling and parameter estimation in complex models will be major subjects of study. The work will be performed in cooperation with personnel at the Department of Petroleum Technology and Applied Geophysics, NTNU and several petroleum related companies.

The applicants should have a MSc-degree in physics or mathematical sciences, or a comparable competence, and have some background and interest in probability theory and statistics. Candidates completing their MSc-degree in 2009/2010 2009/2010 are also encouraged to apply.

The position should lead to a PhD-degree and it is required that the candidates enrol as PhD-students at NTNU. For more information about PhD education at NTNU, see

For more information regarding the positions, please contact Professor Henning Omre, email omre@math.ntnu.no / tel +47 90937848 +47 90937848 or Professor Bjørn Ursin, email bjorn.ursin@ntnu.no / tel +4799454552 +4799454552
Applications are to be submitted electronically through www.jobbnorge.no
Preferably, we want the attachments in one file.

Applications should be marked IME 015-2010.

For more information, please see attachment: IMF.pdf


PhD Scholarship in Evolutionary Biology at NTNU, Norway

Application deadline: 12.03.2010.

A PhD position in evolutionary biology focusing on the evolvability of allometry in plants is available at the Department of Biology. The fellowship is for three years with the possibility of up to four years including teaching duties to the Department of Biology. The position is within the NTNU Evolution, Ethology and Ecology group (EEE): (http://www.ntnu.no/biologi/eee)

The fellowship runs under the doctoral programme at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology. The faculty is the employer, and working place is Department of Biology. The Department of Biology has 36 members of faculty (professors and associate professors), 22 research scientists and about 66 PhD students and post docs. The department has research programs in evolutionary biology, population genetics, aquatic and terrestrial ecology, conservation biology and biodiversity, ethology, molecular biology, cell biology, plant and animal physiology and ecophysiology, aquaculture, and marine biology. There is considerable collaboration between the disciplines.

More information about the Department of Biology can be found at: http://www.ntnu.no/biologi/english.

Project background: Allometry captures the changes in relative dimensions of parts of the body that are correlated with changes in the overall size. Allometry is traditionally described as a power relationship between the trait size y and the body size x: . In this equation b, the allometric exponent, represents the relative growth of the two characters considered. If b=1, the two characters vary in size proportionally and the shape is conserved at any size. If b <1,>1, y increases in size more rapidly than x. The evolutionary significance and the magnitude to which adaptive evolution can change the allometric exponent are rather controversial. The allometric exponent, b has been initially considered as a constant with little or even no possibility to vary adaptively. However, some authors argued that some changes in b can be attributed to natural selection. This idea has recently received a renewal of attention with the hypothesis that traits presumably under directional selection should display positive allometry (b > 1), while traits under stabilizing selection should display negative allometry (b <>

Requirements: The position require a Master degree or similar within evolutionary biology and/or ecology. The applicant must be qualified for the doctoral program within these disciplines. Experience from work on plants in greenhouse is a serious advantage. Background in statistics and evolutionary biology will also be considered advantageous. We are looking for a hard-working candidate, highly motivated to conduct fundamental scientific research. Ability to carry out goal-oriented work, ability to deliver, oral and written presentation of research results, and good co-operation abilities will be emphasized.

In order to be accepted as a PhD student the grades of the MSc degree has to be sufficiently high (in Norway: B/2.5, or better), or the applicant has to document a similar level through later scientific work. Candidates from universities outside Norway are requested to send a Diploma Supplement or a similar document, which describes in detail the study and grade system and the rights for further studies associated with the obtained degree: http://ec.europa.eu/education/policies/rec_qual/recognition/diploma_en.html

The application must contain information on education, exams and previous practice. Publications and other scientific work which the applicant wishes to be taken into consideration must be attached. Multi-authored publications require a brief description of the applicant’s contribution, and should be enclosed.

The appointment of the PhD fellow will be made according to national guidelines for appointment of PhD fellows at universities and university colleges. Applicants are obliged to engage in an organized PhD training program, and an educational plan will be drafted that includes the attendance of courses and national/international meetings. The PhD student will also be expected to assist in the teaching of undergraduates. A contract regarding the period of appointment and the obligations of the PhD fellow must be signed by the fellow and the University. Appointment requires approval of the applicant's plan for a PhD study, and should lead to a dissertation (PhD thesis).

The appointment will be made according to the general regulations regarding university employees. The government work force of Norway should reflect the diversity of the population, and this is an “Equal Opportunities position”. The annual salary of the PhD position is NOK 355.400,- per year (code 1017, level 45 according to the government pay-scale for university employees). There is 2 % deduction for superannuation.

Questions regarding the position can be directed to: Associate Professor Christophe Pelabon (christophe.pelabon@bio.ntnu.no) tlf. +47 73 59 03 39 +47 73 59 03 39 .
Within the application deadline, applicants should submit the application, a CV, certified copies of certificates of education and other relevant documents, names of three references with e-mail addresses and phone number.

Applications should be sent electronically through


Preferably, we want the attachment in one file. Reference number: NT-10/10.

Source: http://innsida.ntnu.no/nettopp_lesmer.php?kategori=nyheter&dokid=4b7c0a503bc272.96619822

2 PhD Scholarship in Health Care Informatics at NTNU, Norway

Closing date: 2010-03-12

The positions are offered by the Department of Computer and Information Science (IDI), affiliated with the Norwegian Centre for Electronic Patient Records (NSEP), both at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). NSEP is organised under the Medical Faculty to develop and maintain interdisciplinary research related to health informatics.
Improved use and re-use of health information for patient empowerment, quality improvement and clinical decision support.

A major part of healthcare resources goes into producing digital, textual, heterogeneous, distributed information stored in electronic health records (EHR). This information is primarily used to give care to individuals. Domain complexity and lack of semantics makes this information hard to structure, abstract and analyse. Secondary usage of information to improve quality, effectiveness and patient empowerment is challenging, but required. The fellows will work in projects with the objective to study, develop and evaluate methods for interpreting, analysing, aggregating and presenting record information. A background and interest within data- and text mining, knowledge technology, information analysis, natural language processing, computational linguistics and/or visualisation is required.

Further information on the fellowships may be obtained from Associate Professor Øystein Nytrø, Tel. +47 918 97 606 +47 918 97 606 , e-mail nytroe@idi.ntnu.no or Research Scientist Laura Slaughter, e-mail lauras@idi.tnu.no

Applications are to be submitted electronically through
Preferably, we want the attachments in one file.

Applications should be marked IME-012-2010.

Source: http://innsida.ntnu.no/nettopp_lesmer.php?kategori=nyheter&dokid=4b73c57602b4e3.23293915

2 PhD scholarship in Telematics at NRNU, Norway

Application deadline: March 12, 2010.

Two PhD research fellowship positions are available at the Department of Telematics (ITEM). The research fellowships are intended for PhD studies, and open to all applicants in all areas of research covered by the Department of Telematics. The Department of Telematics has three research areas (http://www.item.ntnu.no/research):

We seek a highly motivated individual holding a Master’s degree in Telematics, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or other relevant disciplines. The candidate must fulfil the formal requirements to be accepted as a PhD candidate at NTNU. See also the information about doctoral studies at NTNU and the Department of Telematics at http://www.item.ntnu.no/academics/phd

NTNUs PhD-rules require a master degree or equivalent with at least 5 years of studies and an average grade of A or B within a scale of A-E for passing grades (A best). Candidates from universities outside Norway are kindly requested to send a Diploma Supplement or a similar document, which describes in detail the study and grade system and the rights for further studies associated with the obtained degree:


For further information regarding the positions, please contact Education and Research coordinator Harald Øverby, email: haraldov@item.ntnu.no.

Applications are to be submitted electronically through www.jobbnorge.no. Preferably, we want the attachments in one file.
Applications should be marked: IME-007
For more information, please see attachment.

source: http://innsida.ntnu.no/nettopp_lesmer.php?kategori=nyheter&dokid=4b6a71d1281035.25132030

Thursday, March 4, 2010

PhD Position in Mathematics of Future Wireless Networks, Ireland

Basic Description
Applications are invited for a postgraduate research position at the Hamilton Institute in the National University of Ireland Maynooth. The Hamilton Institute is a multi-disciplinary research centre that seeks to provide a bridge between mathematics and its applications in ICT and biology. The successful candidate will join one of the largest, internationally recognized and most active networking research groups in Ireland.

Wireless networks are not only ubiquitous and of great economic importance to modern society, but also the source of many of the fundamental scientific challenges faced by modern communication networks. A key feature of modern networks is their scale and complexity and at the Hamilton Institute we are developing new mathematical methods to gain insight and understanding. We combine this theoretical analysis with cutting-edge experimental work, and it is this combination that is one of the distinguishing features of the Hamilton Institute and that is allowing us to advance understanding in scientifically challenging areas of practical significance.
Graduate students at the institute are embedded in a vibrant, stimulating research environment and gain a unique education from leading researchers, positioning them well for their career development. The institute has a very active international visitor programme and provides the opportunity for international and industry exchange visits. Our Network Maths initiative is part of our structured PhD programme where leading international researchers provide specialist postgraduate modules to support our research students.

For more information on the Hamilton Institute and its research activity, please visit www.hamilton.ie.

Candidate Profile
The candidate should hold a good (usually first-class honours) degree in Mathematics, Engineering, Computer Science, or a related field and be motivated to tackle challenging research problems. Interpersonal skills are required for successful interdisciplinary research, so the candidate should be a team player.

Our postgraduate scholarships are open to Irish, EU and international students and carry a stipend of €21,000 (tax free).
To apply, candidates should submit a detailed CV, transcripts of undergraduate grades, motivation letter and the names and addresses of two referees for letters of recommendation to Prof. Doug Leith, email: hamilton@nuim.ie.
The Hamilton Institute is an inclusive, equal opportunity employer.
About the Hamilton Institute

Graduate Study
The Hamilton Institute has one of the largest and most active networking research groups in Ireland and is an international centre of excellence. The Institute has strong links to leading international research groups and industry research labs. For our students, this not only ensures a “cutting-edge” experience but also provides the opportunity for international and industry exchange visits.

The Institute provides an excellent student experience. Our Network Maths initiative (www.networkmaths.ie), run jointly with Trinity College Dublin, is part of our structured PhD programme where leading international researchers provide specialist postgraduate modules to support our research students.

Our Students
We prepare our students for a professional career and for academic research. Our strong research and industry links ensure that, as one of our graduates, you will be well regarded by employers, industry and academia alike. Successful applicants will be joining a diverse and cosmopolitan student population.

PhD Scholarship in Biology, physiology at Newzealand

Deadline: 9 April 2010

Job Role: Biology, Physiology
Job Hours: Full-Time
Sector: Academic
Location: New Zealand
Company: University of Otago

Posted Date: 25 February 2010 05:04:40
Department of Physiology, University of Otago, Dunedin, New ZealandPhD opportunities currently exist in our internationally-recognised research programmes in the areas of Cardiovascular & Respiratory Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Neuroscience, and Membrane & Ion Transport. Financial support is available from the Department of Physiology (stipend, fees, conference and research expenses). Candidates with a good degree in biomedical science or related subjects are invited to apply before 9 April 2010. See our website for the full list of available projects and application details. URL http://www.otago.ac.nz/physiology

Ph.D students in Signal Processing at KTH, Sweden

Latest date for submission of application 2010-03-21

The Signal Processing Lab at the School of Electrical Engineering at The Royal Institute of Technology is seeking Ph.D students in Signal Processing
KTH is the largest technical university in Sweden. Education and research cover a broad spectrum within natural sciences and engineering, as well as architecture, industrial engineering and management, urban planning, work science and environmental engineering. There are circa 12,000 full-year undergraduate students, 1,400 postgraduate students and 3,100 employees.
Research project

The Signal Processing Lab at the School of Electrical Engineering conducts research in statistical signal processing and signal processing for communications. Research topics include channel modelling, transmission and coding techniques, receiver algorithms and detection, resource management and optimization, radio measurements, instrumentation, positioning and navigation, UWB ranging. They are now seeking Ph.D. students to their research projects that address key issues in positioning, navigation, wireless communications, and communication channel modeling and estimation.

Their Ph.D. program is highly competitive and aimed at only the most motivated students. It is a challenging but rewarding research education leading up to a degree that is internationally well respected. It provides a platform for a successful career in industrial R&D, academics, or for launching an innovative high-tech idea in a dynamic "start-up" business.
Their graduates are highly sought after upon graduation and can choose which part of the world they wish to work in. During your studies you will have the opportunity to regularly attend international conferences and workshops, visit research laboratories and academic institutions. This way you will build up a network of international contacts useful in your future career.
Every student will also have the opportunity to spend an extended period (2-9 months) abroad at another top research lab. The Signal Processing Labs research projects are often conducted with industrial partners on problems that are of high relevance to industry.
The position includes approximately 80% research and 20% teaching responsibilities.

Master of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering, Applied Physics, Applied Mathematics or equivalent. We are seeking for newly qualified candidates or candidates with some years of working experience. Applications from students that are close to finishing a master level education will also be evaluated. Publication of articles will be regarded as a merit.
Fluency in English, both written and verbal is a must.

We are looking for candidates who possess problem-solving analytical skills and are quality-conscious and performance-oriented. You have the ability to work both collaboratively and autonomously to produce your own high-quality documents.
To address its varied work, KTH aims to employ a diversity of talent and thus welcomes applicants who will add to the variety of the University, especially as concerns its gender structure.

Form of employment: Time limited positionStarting date: As soon as possible, with regard to notice
This recruitment is performed by Academic Work Recruitment, but you will be employed by The Royal Institute of Technology. The application shall be sent by e-mail or by the advertisement at Academic Works website:

Specify ref JJA41286 & E2010-0051 in the subject line.

The application shall include curriculum vitae, a short description of future professional goals and interests, final grades and names of 2 references.

Contact person
Josefin Jansson, recruitment administrator, Academic Work Phone +46-8-562 467 63 +46-8-562 467 63

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

PhD student position in Algorithms at Chalmers University, Sweden

Application deadline 2010-03-30

Reference number 2010/37
Job start date 2010-08-01

The research will take place in the Algorithms group in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, with a special focus on randomized algorithms and the use of probabilistic methods in Computer Science. The department constitutes an international research environment with about 70 faculty and 70 Ph.D. students. They come from more than 30 different countries; about half of them are native Swedes.
General information about the department is available at our website: www.chalmers.se/cse/EN

Job description
We are seeking candidates for a Ph.D. position within the Algorithms group with a special focus on randomized algorithms and the use of probabilistic methods in Computer Science. In particular, the project is concerned with using tools such as high probability results to design and analyse algorithms for stochastic optimization, or statistical analysis of large data sets. Candidates must therefore have a strong background in discrete probability and algorithm design and analysis techniques.

As a Ph.D. student you are employed by Chalmers and will receive a salary according to current salary agreements. A maximum of 20% of your time will be devoted to other duties at the department, mainly teaching. The remaining time will be devoted to your own courses and research within the project and you are expected to obtain a Ph.D. within a maximum of 5 years.

Required qualifications
A suitable background for the applicant is a strong undergraduate degree in Computer Science and Engineering, Mathematics or related fields. Candidates must have a strong background in discrete probability and algorithm design and analysis techniques. The start of this position is planned for August 1 2010.

Application procedure
The application shall be written in English and include the following items:

  1. An application of a maximum of one A4 page containing your specific qualifications for the position
  2. Attested copies of education certificates, including grade reports and other documents
  3. Curriculum Vitae
  4. Letters of recommendation and name of reference persons (optional)

The application shall be sent electronically as pdf or zipped documents. Please use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.
If any material is not available electronically or cannot be transferred to pdf format, the material can be sent as a hard copy to Registrar. The applicants name and the reference number (2010/37) must be written on the first page of the application.



Chalmers University of Technology

SE-412 96



Further information
Further information of the PhD positions can be obtained from
Professor Devdatt DubhashiE-mail: dubhashi@chalmers.se Phone: +46 31 772 1698 +46 31 772 1698
Vice Head of Department, Graduate Education: Associate Professor Jan Jonsson E-mail: janjo@chalmers.se Phone +46 31 772 5220 +46 31 772 5220
Union representatives
SACO: Jan Lindér
ST: Marie Wenander
SEKO: Johan Persson
All reachable via Chalmers exchange: +46 31 772 10 00 +46 31 772 10 00

Source: http://www.chalmers.se/cse/EN/news/vacancies/positions/phd-student-position-in6745

PhD student position in Software Engineering at Chalmers University, Sweden

Application deadline 2010-03-16
Reference number 2010/33
Job start date 2010-05-03

The department provides a strong, international, and dynamic research environment with about 70 faculty and 70 PhD students. For more information, see www.chalmers.se/cse/EN/ Half of our researchers and PhD students are native Swedes; the rest come from more than 30 different countries. The research group is a newly established group in the division of Software Engineering and Technology. The group is conducting research on verification and validation, automated software engineering, human aspects on software development, software metrics, architectural modeling, validation of quality attributes such as real-time constraints and security, distributed/global software engineering etc. The work is broad in nature and utilizes a number of different theories, models, technologies and tools depending on the relevant industrial needs and constraints for each study.

The group has strong collaboration with research groups in UK, USA, Greece, Norway and China; it will be possible for the interested doctoral student to experience an extended stay at an international university as a visiting scholar. The group also has extensive collaboration with Swedish industry, in particular the aerospace, telecom and automotive industries.
Additional support for the PhD student will be given by the Swedish Research School in Software Verification and Validation (SWELL, swell.se) in which the student will take part.

Job description
Much of software development is changing from being plan-driven to being more agile and adaptive, with shorter iterations and cycles. Within the European Community (EC) there is a large research and development project underway to develop a new set of rules and methodologies for the European air space (SESAR). This will have a long-lasting effect on the aerospace industry as a whole and will impose new requirements on companies developing software for it. It will be increasingly important to verify non-functional requirements, i.e. that the developed software has the right performance, safety and reliability and to integrate such verification activities with the right mix of and economically motivated testing activities for the functional requirements. In particular this is a challenge for companies that see competitive benefit in using agile development methods.

The work focuses on finding better methods and techniques to test and verify safety critical software, in particular air traffic control software that is developed with agile development methodologies. It is based on earlier work with the space industry that developed a way to optimize verification activities, but will also investigate increased (semi-)automation in acceptance and system testing. The research will be conducted in close cooperation with and at the premises of SAAB Security AB (ATM) and is funded by SAAB and VINNOVA.
As a Ph.D. student you are employed by Chalmers and will receive a salary according to current salary agreements. A maximum of 20% of your time will be devoted to other duties at the department, mainly teaching. The remaining time will be devoted to your own courses and research within the project and you are expected to obtain a Ph.D. within a maximum of 5 years.
Required qualifications

English is the main language used in our research and we publish internationally. However, since this work involves Swedish companies with security clearance it is a requirement that you have a Swedish citizenship. We thus require that you know both Swedish and English well. Applicants shall have a Master’s Degree (Swe: civilingenjörsexamen) or corresponding degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or Electrical Engineering or in a related discipline. As for all PhD studies, a genuine interest and curiosity in the subject matter and excellent analytical and communication skills, orally as well as in writing, are needed. Software Engineering is a broad field of study but we still assume you also have excellent, basic technology skills, such as in programming, designing and testing software. A successful candidate should have a profound interest in software engineering, agile methodologies and verification and validation. Experience from professional software development and/or agile software development is positive and its level and extent should be briefly summarized in your application. You may apply even though you might not have completed your degree yet, but you expect to do so before the position starts.

It is highly recommended that you include or e-mail letters of recommendation; we typically get a large number of applications, and it is simply not feasible for us to request individual letters. It is essential that the application includes all relevant work such as theses and articles that you have authored or co-authored.

Application procedure
The application shall be written in English and include the following items:

  • An application of a maximum of one A4 page containing your specific qualifications for the position
  • Attested copies of education certificates, including grade reports and other documents
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Letters of recommendation and name of reference persons (optional)

The application shall be sent electronically as pdf or zipped documents. Please use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.
If any material is not available electronically or cannot be transferred to pdf format, the material can be sent as a hard copy to Registrar. The applicants name and the reference number (2010/33) must be written on the first page of the application.



Chalmers University of Technology

SE-412 96 Göteborg


Further information
Research level: Assoc. Professor Robert Feldt E-mail: robert.feldt@chalmers.se
Departmental level: Dr. Björn von Sydow Tel. +46 31-772 1040 +46 31-772 1040E-mail: sydow@chalmers.se
More information is available at the departmental homepage
Union representatives
SACO: Jan Lindér
ST: Marie Wenander
SEKO: Johan Persson
All reachable via Chalmers exchange: +46 31 772 10 00


PhD Student Position in Functional Programming at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

Application deadline 2010-04-07

Reference number Ref 2010/44
Job start date 2010-09-01

The department provides a strong, international, and dynamic research environment with about 70 faculty and 70 PhD students. For more information, see www.chalmers.se/cse/. Half of our researchers and PhD students are native Swedes; the rest come from more than 30 different ,countries. The research group is a newly established group in the division of Software Engineering and Technology.
The functional programming group consists of 5 senior researchers, 5 post-docs, and 7 doctoral students, and recently got a 4-year grant supporting new research direction in the development and application of domain-specific languages. Examples of our current work in this area are a language for digital signal processing (called Feldspar, which is developed together with Ericsson), a language for high-level micro-architecture exploration (called Chalk, which is developed together with Intel), a language for GPU programming (called Obsidian) and a language for computational vulnerability assessment (developed together with the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research). Generic programming is a paradigm we actively use in the development of DSLs.

Job description
The PhD student will join the research activities at our department in the area of functional programming, much of which concentrates on the design and application of Domain Specific Embedded Languages (DSELs). Examples of our previous work in this area are Lava, a language for hardware description and verification, QuickCheck, a DSL for specifying and testing programs and PolyP, a language for generic functional programming.

Our goals for the coming four years are to develop theories and tools that make future DSELs easier to design, implement, and use. Concretely, we aim for making reusable, generic libraries that capture common aspects occurring in many DSELs, such as symbolic simulation and error messages. Moreover, we want to develop domain-specific specification, testing and verification methods, using for example QuickCheck and automated theorem proving techniques, that exploit the particular restrictions that programs in the DSL at hand obey. All this will be done in the context of the concrete DSELs the group is already working on.

As a Ph.D. student you are employed by Chalmers and will receive a salary according to current salary agreements. A maximum of 20% of your time will be devoted to other duties at the department, mainly teaching. The remaining time will be devoted to your own courses and research within the project and you are expected to obtain a Ph.D. within a maximum of 5 years.

Required qualifications
Applicants must have a very good undergraduate degree in Computer Science or in a related subject with a strong Computer Science component. They must also have a strong, documented interest in doing research. The ideal student for the position is an accomplished functional programmer, with an interest in applied functional programming as well as a good understanding of logic.
You may apply even if you have not yet completed your degree, but expect to do so before the position starts.

Application procedure
The application shall be written in English and include the following items:

  1. An application of a maximum of one A4 page containing your specific qualifications for the position
  2. Attested copies of education certificates, including grade reports and other documents
  3. Curriculum
  4. Letters of recommendation and name of reference persons (optional)
The application shall be sent electronically as pdf or zipped documents. Please use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

If any material is not available electronically or cannot be transferred to pdf format, the material can be sent as a hard copy to Registrar.
The applicants name and the reference number (Ref 2010/44) must be written on the first page of the application.

Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96

Further information
Research group level:
Assoc. Professor Patrik Jansson, E-mail: patrikj'at'chalmers.se Assoc. Professor Koen Lindström Claessen, E-mail: koen'at'chalmers.se Professor Mary Sheeran, E-mail: ms'at'chalmers.se Professor John Hughes, E-mail: rjmh'at'chalmers.se
Departmental level:
Dr. Björn von Sydow, Tel. +46 31-772 1040 +46 31-772 1040, E-mail: sydow'at'chalmers.se
More information is available at the departmental homepage www.chalmers.se/cse/EN

source: For details: http://www.chalmers.se/cse/EN/news/vacancies/positions/phd-student-position-in2935